Cherishing You Page 19
“Yeah, you’re probably right. She’s probably just sleeping. I’m hoping everything with Mom is better and I can fly out to see her this weekend. I just want to make sure she’s doing okay.”
“I think that’s a fine idea. She’ll be glad to see you, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, I figured it’d be a good surprise for her. I’m sorry I haven’t been in here for a bit, I’ll try to get back to work soon.”
“Oh, quit it, you’re fine. I know what’s been going on. How are you handling everything, by the way?”
“Ah, I’m dealing with it all okay, I guess. Mom’s alive, that’s the main thing.”
“This is true. Are you going back to the hospital for the evening? Bev mentioned that we’d go up there and bring you dinner. You know how she is, she wants to make sure you’re eating a good home-cooked meal.”
“She doesn’t have to do that, but yeah, I’m heading back there shortly. You guys are always welcome to come over.”
“Okay, well, I’m going to wrap up here. We’ll see you shortly, son.”
“All right, see you there. And thanks, by the way.”
“Ah, no need to thank us. That’s what family’s for.” With that, he goes back into the shop. I climb on my bike and take the long route back to the hospital. After I tie down my helmet, I check my phone again—still nothing, and Andi’s surely off work by now. I’ve decided if she still hasn’t answered by the time Ron and Bev get here, I’m going to call the police and have them check on her. Okay, maybe that’s a bit drastic, but I’m really starting to worry.
On my way into Mom’s room, I stop by the nurses’ station. They’ve changed shifts since I left and I don’t know her new nurse, but she seems nice enough. I ask her about Mom maybe eating something, and she says it’s fine if Mom feels up to it.
I go into her room and she has her eyes closed. I sit down beside her and wait; I want her to save her energy until Ron and Bev get here.
They arrive about a half hour later, and of course they brought enough food to feed an army. Mom wakes up with a big smile on her face.
“Mmm. I take it I’m allowed to eat now since you’re bringing all this good-smelling food into my room.”
“Oh, dear, I didn’t think about you not being able to eat. Shoot, I hope so. Let me run and ask your nurse.”
“It’s actually okay, I already cleared it with them before you got here. She’s allowed to eat if she can tolerate it,” I tell them.
“Well, all right then, let’s dig in,” Ron says as he opens a container. I can’t help but chuckle at his eagerness as I pass plates around. It feels good for everyone to be laughing and enjoying a meal together, even if we are in Mom’s hospital room. The only thing missing is Andi.
I check my phone again, and this time I actually have a message.
Don’t you know it’s going to rain tonight? You really should have your truck instead, you know! ;)
How the hell would she know I’m on my bike? Unless . . . Holy shit! I jump up and tell them I’ll be right back. I make a dead run throughout the hospital, bursting through the doors and into the parking lot. Then I see her, sitting on my bike and looking like a beautiful angel. Her head is tilted to the side and her golden hair is flowing back a little from the breeze. I don’t know what happened or why she’s here, but right now I don’t care.
I run over, pick her up, and lay the biggest kiss on her; she kisses me back with just as much passion. We finally have to break free and I give her a tight squeeze then pull back so I can see her eyes.
“As glad as I am to have you back in my arms, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I’m moving home. And before you give me any more protests, just shut it right there. Ethan, this is my decision, and I did give Texas a good try. Turns out it wasn’t where I was meant to be. When I made the decision to pack up and come home, a huge load dropped from my shoulders. This is where I’m supposed to be, right here with you and Mom and Dad. No regrets.”
“No regrets? Not even in ten years when you get bored with small-town life?”
“I was never bored around here, Ethan. And no, I have no regrets. I love you, Ethan Paul, and I cherish you. I always have, and I always will.”
“Andi, I’ve always cherished you too. I love you, baby.” With that, I place a soft kiss on her lips.
Twitter: @JoRae_Andrews
I would like to first thank my family. Without your support, this would not have been possible. I love you for your continuous love and support, you could never know how much I cherish you all!
To my besties, (yes, you know who you are ) I wouldn’t have ever had the courage to do this without your encouragement, support, never-ending advice. Thank you so much for never giving up on me even when I was ready to throw in the towel!
To the Indie community: You are an amazing group of people and I am forever grateful for each one of you who has welcomed me into this fascinating world.
Melissa Gill, MGBookCovers & Designs: You have a beautiful talent with your designs. Thank you for such a beautiful cover and teasers. You nailed it!
Hot Tree Editing: Thank you for all your hard work in making my words look beautiful!
Integrity Formatting: Thank you for making Cherishing You come alive!!!
Give Me Books: Thank you for organizing and hosting the release blitz of Cherishing You. I appreciate everything you have done with putting this book out to the readers.
To the bloggers: Thank you for sharing my story! I can’t say enough how grateful I am to have your support and hard work you do promoting books.
And to the readers: To each and every one of you, Thank you. It’s amazing to know there are readers out there who truly want to read my story. Thank you all so much for your continued support. Without it there would be no purpose.
I could never thank you all enough for all of your support!
Love Always,
JoRae Andrews
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Contact JoRae Andrews