Cherishing You Page 11
“Thank you, Bev. I’m one lucky guy to have this amazing girl who has such awesome parents.”
“Son, you were already part of our family, this just changes your title a little bit. Bev is right though; we’ve always known you were meant for each other, and we’re so happy you figured it out for yourselves. Now, not that it’s any of our business, but does this mean my favorite baby girl is moving back home?”
I knew they were going to think that, and honestly I don’t know what I’m going to do at this point. It makes the most sense for everyone if I did, but what about everything I just finished accomplishing? Am I okay to walk away from it all?
“We actually haven’t worked out the finer details yet, but when we do, you two will be the first to know. We’re just trying to catch up and enjoy our time as much as possible before Sunday comes.”
Thank you, Ethan, for coming to my rescue; he must have sensed me freezing up. I know my parents are probably hoping I’ll jump on the reason to come home, and I want to, I just don’t want to give up everything so soon. I mean, I just landed a dream job, and making serious money to boot. I worked my ass off to get it, so why does it feel like I’m being punished for it?
“Hey, how about we celebrate? We could have a cookout down at the pond, maybe take a swim or play some volleyball?” Dad asks.
“Yeah, it sounds great to me. What do you think, Ethan? You up for some volleyball, or are you getting rusty in your old age?” I tease. Ethan’s ten months older than me—not quite a year, but it may as well be a decade for all the teasing I’ve given him over the years. Of course, it’s a two-way street, and he’s given it back to me just as much.
“Sure, sounds like a blast to me. You know I love food anytime, and it’s been a little while since I spiked a ball on you, but something tells me I won’t have any trouble.”
Ethan gives me a quick peck on the cheek, probably just to distract me.
“Okay, you two, save it for the court. How about you fellas take the grill to the pond and set it up. Andi and I will get the meat ready and whip up some sides.”
“Sounds good.”
“Fine with me, darling,” Dad says, and kisses her forehead. “Come on, Ethan. The woman has spoken, so let’s get it done.”
“Okay, right behind you.” Ethan sweeps me up, twirls around, and then sets me back on my feet. “I’ll see you shortly, sweetheart.” He gives me a quick but hard kiss then follows Dad out the back door of the kitchen. I know they aren’t all the way down the back steps when I hear Ethan let out a chuckle. I feel my cheeks blush a little. I’ve never kissed someone in front of my parents before, but I’m an adult and I plan to keep Ethan, so I guess they may as well get used to it.
“You don’t need to feel embarrassed, honey, but I understand. It was nerve-racking the first time your father kissed me in front of my family too, and we were getting ready to be married. Honestly, if I didn’t know how much that boy’s loved you all these years, I might feel differently, but I’m happy for you both. Oh, and Andi, I can tell you haven’t made your mind up yet about what to do with your near future, but don’t make your decision lightly. I’d hate it if you ended up with any regrets.”
“Did you have any regrets, Mom?”
She’s silent for a few moments and I look at her; she’s staring out the window, probably lost in her memories. I stand there silently, not rushing her. After several minutes, she speaks.
“You know, Andi, I’m not sure if I can answer that question honestly. There were many things that passed and we dealt with them, different paths we could have chosen that we didn’t. But do I regret them? No, honey, not in the sense that if I had chosen differently it would’ve changed the outcome. You see, I knew right away that your father and I were meant to be, but we were both seeing different people. I tried to let go of my boyfriend, but he didn’t like the idea very much. He’d decided I was going to be his wife.
“One night, we had had a dance at the school and I went with friends. Well, your father asked me to dance and, of course, I accepted. We were having the best time, which didn’t go well with my ex, so he butted in and took me as his dancing partner. I could smell alcohol on his breath and it made me nervous, so I tried to break free, but he wasn’t having it. Anyway, your father ended up saving me from him, but my ex took off from the dance and ended up wrecking his car, killing himself. Obviously, I felt horrible about it, but I didn’t want him to drink and drive—or drink at all, for that matter.
“So you see, sometimes we make bad choices that seem okay at the time, but we end up regretting them later. But I don’t regret getting to know your father and marrying him. I’ve loved him from day one, and I always will.”
Crazy how life throws twists in our paths all the time. I had no idea my mom was seeing a guy who ended up killing himself. I’m so glad she didn’t get in the car with him.
“Wow, Mom, I’m sorry that happened. I bet that was a pretty scary time for you. I’m glad you ended up with Dad though. I’m also glad I finally have Ethan.”
“Oh, honey, me too. As for Ethan, you always had him, and I’m glad—he’s one of the good guys. As far as your immediate future, just take some time, sweetheart. You’ll know what to do when you’re ready. Rushing a decision will only lead to regret.”
“Thanks for understanding, Mom. I love you.” I wrap my arms around her and give her a tight hug.
“I love you, baby girl,” she says, hugging me back. “Now, let’s get this food ready and go join our men.” Mom laughs, and I realize just how lucky I am to have such great parents and an amazing boyfriend. It’s still crazy to be calling Ethan my boyfriend, but I’m definitely getting used to the sound of it.
“I can’t believe you guys pulled this off without her suspecting a thing. I have to admit, having everyone park by my place and coming in through the woods was genius.” Even I had wondered where everyone was when we got here, and I knew what was going on.
Andi is going to be completely shocked to see everyone, not to mention the graduation gift waiting for her in the barn. I hope she hasn’t seen it yet; I’m sure she would’ve said something by now if she had though.
“Thanks, Ethan. I know it’s probably silly, but we really wanted to do something special for her graduating college. After the way things ended up after high school, and cancelling the party, we never really celebrated. Now she’s graduated college and we just want to do it right this time. She deserves it.”
“Yes, she does deserve it. I’m so proud of her, Ron, and I’m so glad we finally got everything out. It seems to be working out with her. I don’t think I could’ve handled it if she didn’t feel the same about me.”
“I know, son, but I also knew she was head over heels for you, so I had no worries.”
“I’m just glad it’s settled now. I just wish I knew what she was thinking about for the near future. I know she got the job, and was getting a new place close to it. I just don’t know if that’s important to her or not. I won’t stand in her way though; I don’t want her to regret anything.”
“You two are going to have to talk about it. I don’t know what she’s thinking either, but it’s nice to hear you don’t want her to regret anything. I’m glad you’re respectful to her, although I’m not surprised at all. You’ve loved her for a long time, even if you haven’t admitted it to each other. I have faith it’ll all work out how it’s supposed to. No rush; you have the rest of your lives.”
“Wasn’t it you who was pushing me to talk to her in the first place? How come there’s no rush now?”
“Now you have her, she knows how you feel, and you two are talking. Before, you were at each other’s throats, stuck in denial. Plus, you’re both much happier this way.”
“Hello, Ron, Ethan, how are you guys doing? Thanks for inviting us, Ron. It’ll be great seeing everyone.” Leah and her husband, Drew, walk up to Ron and me. I haven’t seen them for a little while, but I know they got married and had a baby.
Thank you both for coming. I’m sure Andi will be pleasantly surprised,” Ron says, shaking Drew’s hand.
“Hey, Ron, how’s business going? I haven’t been in for a while, but I’m probably due for an oil change very soon.”
“Oh, you know how it is. Every day is a holiday, but we can definitely get you in. . . .”
I hear Ron talking to Drew, but I see some of the guys from the track coming over so I excuse myself and head towards them. I’m curious to know what that driver thought about the track today.
“Hey, Steve.” I give him a bro handshake and hug combo. “Thanks for coming, man. Did that driver like the track?”
“Hey, bud. Yeah, actually, he did seem to like it. He’s actually staying tonight and is going to run in the Friday Night Lights special.”
“That’s great to hear! I hope he works out for you guys. How are you, Darlene?”
Giving me a hug, she says, “I’m good, Ethan, thanks for asking. So where is the girl of the hour? I figured she would be out here by now. I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“Oh, she’s getting some food ready for an ‘unplanned’ cookout, so she should be out here soon, then she’ll find out you’re all here. She still doesn’t know anything about this. I’m pretty stoked to see her face when she figures it out.”
“That’s pretty awesome that you guys have been able to keep it secret.”
“Yeah, it is. I actually wasn’t planning to be this involved, but life has a way of making things happen the way it should, I guess.”
“That’s right, Steve told me you guys were together at the track today. Congratulations, it’s about time.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it. I think I see the gator moving so I’m going to go help. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” I run up to Ron, who’s on the gator.
“Hey, I saw the girls coming down the steps, so I’m going after them to bring them around. I’ll come in on the other side of the barn so when she sees everyone it’ll be all at once. Try to get everyone ready, okay?”
“Will do, Ron.”
He takes off on the gator to pick them up, and I motion for everyone to come over to the far side of the pond.
We’re all in position when we hear the gator coming up the side hill. I’m in the front, and I don’t know why but my heart is hammering out of my chest. I guess I’m just excited for her.
As soon as the gator crests the hill, I can see her eyes going from person to person, the surprise evident on her face. She finally lands on me and gives me her big, beautiful smile, melting my heart like butter. The gator stops and they all pile off so she can give them both a hug. Then she runs to me and jumps in my arms with a squeal. I love this girl with all my heart.
“I can’t believe you kept this a secret from me,” she says, then lands a big kiss on my lips.
I could kiss her all day, but we have a crowd laughing and cheering us on. I finally pull my lips from hers and whisper in her ear, “You are so fucking hot, and I want to keep you here for the rest of my days.” She gives me her signature giggle and a quick kiss on my cheek.
I put her down on her feet as her parents walk up to us. “We’re so glad you like your surprise, honey,” Bev says, and gives her another quick hug.
“When did you guys put this all together? What’s it for?”
“Well, we wanted to celebrate your graduations,” Ron says.
“What do you mean graduations? As in, more than one?”
“Yes, sweetie,” he explains. “We had actually planned a party for you when you graduated high school, but that didn’t work out, which is okay. Since you graduated college and were here for a visit, we wanted to celebrate it. Ethan knew we were planning it, and now that you two have made up and are finally a couple, it just makes it all better. Plus, he made for a good distraction the past couple of days.”
“Oh, he definitely created a good distraction.”
I wrap my arms around her and pull her tight against my chest. She tugs her hair over her left shoulder, and I make myself behave and not touch her soft skin. “I think I may have been the one distracted.” I place a soft kiss on her head instead of her neck, knowing if I go there I may not be able to stop.
“That’s easily done, young man. If it had been anyone else, I’d be concerned, but with you . . . well, it’s about time you figured it out,” Bev says, laughing.
“Thank you both. I really appreciate your support.” I truly am glad to have them both in my corner. To be honest, I’m not sure where I would’ve ended up if it hadn’t been for them and my mom.
“So, Andi, it wouldn’t be a graduation without any kind of gift, now would it? We know you wouldn’t want anyone to get you anything, but I’ve actually had this for quite a while—since your first graduation, to be exact.” I pull out the necklace from my back pocket and hand it to her. She looks down at the small box and back up at me.
“You didn’t have to do this, Ethan,” she says, with a small shake of her head. She opens the lid and smiles that beautiful smile of hers. I feel my heart skip a beat.
“Look at the back, Andi.” I had it engraved with, You have my heart, Andi. Always have, always will.
She flips it over and lets out a small gasp. “I love it, thank you so much!” She jumps into my arms and kisses me hard and quick.
“I’m glad you like it, baby.” I give her another squeeze then stand her back on her feet.
Her parents laugh before Bev says, “Well, let’s see it already.” Andi takes it out and shows her mom and dad, who tell me what a good job I did with big smiles on their faces.
“I also got you this.” I hand her an envelope. “I wanted to make it easy for you to come home more often. It’s a gift card for you to buy plane tickets and fly home, you know, like, for the weekend.”
“That’s so thoughtful of you, Ethan,” Bev says.
“Yes, it really sweet. Thank you so much!” She gives me a soft peck on the cheek.
Before I can respond, Steve slaps me on the back and says, “Hey, guys! Congratulations, Andi, on your graduation. And I hear you landed a great job in Texas. That’s fantastic!”
“Thank you, Steve. Hello, Darlene.” She gives them both a quick hug. “I’m glad you both were able to come. It’s been a long time, Darlene. I’m glad to see you.”
“We’re glad to see you again. Hopefully, you can come back more often and visit us. Steve said you guys came by the track today. I hope you enjoyed it. We all have a lot of great memories there,” Darlene says.
“Yes, we’ve had some great times there.”
I think I see her blush a little around her neck; she must be thinking about the new memory we made earlier today. Watching her come undone because of me is enough to make me hard, and I have to be careful and make that go away quick before anyone notices. Down boy. She must know what I’m thinking too, because I feel her press her sweet little ass against me, which just so happens to be right against my hard cock. Damn, that tight ass of hers makes my shit jump to attention. I feel her give a quiet gasp.
I go for a quick distraction before we’re busted. “So, back to your original question. We’ve been planning this ever since you told Ron and Bev you were going to come home for a few days.”
“Well, I’m definitely surprised, and I’m so excited to see everyone. I’ve missed you all so much.”
“We’re going to get the food finished. You guys go mingle with everyone, and have fun while you’re at it. You both deserve it,” Bev says, shooing us away.
“Thank you so much for everything, Mom.” Andi gives her a tight squeeze.
“You’re welcome, baby girl. Now, go have fun.”
Andi turns back to me and grabs my hand. “Okay, guys, you heard her. Let’s go!”
We take off towards the pond and are stopped by several of the old gang. We all used to hang out a lot in the summer here at the pond as teenagers. Ron and Bev never seemed to mind as long as we were being responsible—well, at least somewhat responsible.
I stand back and just watch as Andi catches up with everyone. She is so beautiful; I can’t believe I finally got the nerve up enough to tell her how I’ve felt for her all these years. And to think she felt the same just confirms it for me—we’re meant to be together. I think—no, I know—she’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Except she’s leaving tomorrow, back to Texas and her great new life. I’m not jealous of her accomplishments at all, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of Texas. I don’t want to spend any more time away from her. What am I going to do about it though? I don’t know if I can walk away from everything here. Who would help Ron at the shop? He’s getting too old to take care of it all by himself; that’s why he hired me in the first place. I don’t know what to do.
All I know is I’m not asking her to stay; she has to make the best decision for herself. If I ask her to then she’ll always wonder what could’ve been.
Nope, not happening—no regrets!
I give Andi a big smile when I catch her looking at me while talking to some of her old girlfriends. I will ask her to marry me though, after we get our short-term future figured out. Once I know how we’re going to move forward, I’ll make her my wife—and very soon, if I have anything to say about it.
“Everyone, grab yourselves a plate and dig in!” Ron yells from the grill. He just finished cooking burgers, hot dogs, and who knows what else, and it all smells amazing. My stomach growls; I didn’t realize I was even hungry, but I guess I worked up an appetite. I reach Andi’s side quickly, lacing her hand in mine before I bring it up to my lips. She smiles up at me and, of course, I can’t resist stealing a quick kiss. This earns me a giggle, but then my stomach protests with another growl and she laughs.
“Come on, big boy, let’s get you something to eat.” She tugs me forward. I don’t know if she realizes I would go anywhere with her.