Cherishing You Read online

Page 10

  We pull up to the track gate; Mike is there, waving us on in. Steve probably told him we were coming, but even if he didn’t, Mike wouldn’t have said a word. We all went to school together and still hang out here and there.

  I pull the truck up to the fence, shutting off the engine.

  “Do you want to stay in here, or do you want to go up and say hi to Steve and see what’s going on?”

  “I’m good either way, but we should probably see Steve since he’s the one who invited us.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but first . . .” I unbuckle my seat belt, turn to the side, and pull her to me, placing a hard kiss on her lips. I hear her let out a low moan, which makes me stand at attention in an instant.

  We eventually break our kiss, and I hold her to my chest for a few minutes. Even though it’s the last thing I want to do, I’m kind of excited to see who the racer is today. I let go of her and she looks up at me with a smile on her face. She leans up and gives me a soft peck on my cheek.

  “All right, let’s go see what’s going on.” I open my door and climb out as she unbuckles and starts out behind me. I offer my hand and help her out of the truck. Shutting the door, we walk hand in hand to the announcer tower, as I’m sure that’s where Steve will be, and it has the best view of the track.

  We’re just about to the tower when I see Steve walking up to us.

  “Hey, guys, I’m glad you made it. You’re in for a treat today. We have a guy here to test out the track who’s won the northern division championship like four times so far.”

  “Really? That’s great, man. If he likes the track that could mean some big advertisement for you guys, right?”

  “That’s what I’m shooting for. I’ve seen him race a few times and he’s good, but he’s also a pretty good guy too, which is why I invited him today. Honestly, the track does well already, but it’s not going anywhere either. I’d like to build it up more, with more fans and racers so we’re able to give better payouts. You guys put so much into your cars between time and money that if we can’t raise the payouts, some of the drivers will have to start going to other tracks so they can get some return on their investment. I understand that need, so I’m trying to fix it for everyone.”

  “Well, I haven’t been anywhere else, but I’m lucky enough to know how to do most things myself, so I don’t have to hire anyone to do the work. That saves me a bundle of cash right there. But you’re right, some of the other drivers aren’t able to do that and the cost will soon be too high for them to keep up with. I think it’s a great thing you’re doing, Steve.”

  “Thanks, man, I appreciate that. If he likes the trials, he’s going to run again in the Friday Night Lights special we’re having tonight. Hey, you guys are welcome to stay for it, if you like. It’s up to you.”

  “Thanks, bud. I’m not sure what we’re going to do yet, but I appreciate the offer. I know you’re busy, so we won’t keep you. We’ll catch up to you later.” I’m not sure what all Andi has in mind for today, and I hate to make all the plans; plus, we have that little surprise for her later tonight.

  “So, do you want to be up close to the box, or do you want to go up the stands and watch from a higher seat?”

  “Hmm . . . That’s a hard decision, but I think I really want to be close. It’s been so long since I’ve been near a racecar.” It’s so hot that she has a dreamy look on her face while talking about racecars. Damn, how did I ever get so lucky?

  “That sounds great to me. Here.” I hand her a set of ear plugs. “Wear these, I’d hate for you to be deaf the rest of the day from the noise.”

  Andi takes them and lets out a giggle. “Thank you, Ethan, but what about you?”

  “Oh, no worries.” I pull out my own pair from my pocket.

  “Do you just carry around ear plugs in all your pants pockets or what?” Andi asks laughingly.

  “No, I actually had them in the truck and grabbed them from my door pocket as I was getting out. I usually keep a few sets in there. I like to tune out the noise when I’m in the driver’s seat of my racecar.”

  “I get it; I’d probably want to do the same thing. I’m sure my ear drums will thank you later.”

  I pull her to me and give her a quick kiss. “Anytime, baby. I’ll always have your back.” With that, I kiss her again, wrapping my hands around her hips and pulling her tight against me. I can’t get enough of the feel of her. It doesn’t seem as though she minds either, what with that moan she just let out and her arms going around my neck. I never knew someone pulling on my hair could be so hot; it’s just fuel to my fire. Our kiss heats up fast, and while I know there aren’t many people here, I don’t want my girl on display, so I need to put this on pause.

  I pull back and immediately feel a rush of cool air where her lips have been, like pouring cold water on a hot moment. I miss her lips on mine already. I don’t hear any engines running yet, so I know we have a little time. I get an idea.

  “Come on, baby, I might know the perfect spot.” I grab her hand and pull her along with me. She doesn’t say anything, just lets out that signature giggle of hers that I love hearing.

  I take her into the tower building. The bottom is an office, and there’s a kitchen on the stand side so people can get food and drinks while at the track and not have to leave. They have the best pizza burgers there, although they probably aren’t healthy for you.

  I’m sure there’s no one around right now, so I pull her into the stockroom of the kitchen. As soon as I get her in the door, I shut it and press her against it. I can feel her breathing get faster, and I know she’s just as affected by me as I am her. I want her so bad, but I don’t want our first time to be like this; she deserves so much more than that.

  “Andi, I can’t seem to get enough of you. As soon as I let you go, I want you back in my arms.” I frame her face with my hands and gently pull her mouth to mine, kissing her long and hard. I feel her hips arch into mine, and her hands clutch my back with an iron grip. It feels awesome.

  I thrust my tongue into her mouth, and it starts tangoing with hers. I’m lost in her, shutting all other thoughts out as I tune in to her body. Her pulse beats wildly, her golden hair hanging down around her shoulders, and the taste of her is like Heaven. I pull her shirt up and over her head and pull her bra down under her beautiful breasts, making them look like they’re presenting themselves just for me.

  I stare at her round, pink nipples, which seem to harden even more right before my eyes. Seeing her buds tighten has made me rock-hard; I think I may end up with blue balls before I get a release. I tease one nipple between my thumb and forefinger, feeling Andi’s body jerk as her head drops back, thrusting her breasts closer to me. She’s so beautiful. I take the other bud into my mouth and suck on it gently, creating a rhythm between my fingers on the right side and my mouth on the left.

  She moves her hands back to my head, her fingers tangling in my hair. I feel her hips grinding to the beat, so I know she’s enjoying this as much as I am. I’ve decided I’m not going to let her go without coming for me, and I’m hoping to taste her when she does. I can only imagine how sweet it’ll be.

  I don’t stop my assault on her perfectly shaped breasts as I trail my fingers along the top of her jeans. She pushes out her hips, and I take that as permission to go further. I unbutton her jeans but leave them zipped, inching my fingers underneath the waistband and into her underwear. I feel her suck in a deep breath, at first making me think I pushed too far and too fast, but then she lets out a deep moan and I know I’m good.

  I palm her mound and her breath quickens, her body tensing. She starts grinding against my hand, and I think I might come with her if I’m not careful. Watching her come undone is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She wraps her legs around my waist and I push my fingers against her clit, circling it to the same rhythm I’ve continued on her nipples. I can feel her entire body convulse in waves; she calls out my name, and I kiss her, hoping to cover sounds. I really don’
t mind though; she’s my girl, and I don’t care if the whole world knows it.

  My name on her lips is fucking amazing! This is a memory I’ll keep close to my heart for the rest of my life. A memory I’ll pull out after she’s gone, to help keep her close to me. One I’ll cherish as much I cherish her.

  My nose buried in her hair, I breathe in her sweet scent. She still has her legs wrapped around my waist as I keep her pressed against the wall. I’d stand here all day if it means keeping her in my arms.

  Oh, my God! That was fucking amazing. I’ve never come that hard, and I have to admit being against a wall was pretty awesome too. Of course, anything with Ethan is awesome, but this was so hot!

  I want to stay wrapped in his arms forever. He has so many muscles I bet he could hold me here for a long time, but that wouldn’t be fair to him, and he has yet to get his release. I think it’s time I fixed that.

  I slowly unfold my legs and stand on my own, even though my legs are like jelly. I let go of Ethan’s back and slide down to my knees. Just as I’m about to unbuckle his belt, a racecar fires its engine up, and it sounds like it’s right outside the door. The loud noise makes me jump a mile, and Ethan bursts out laughing.

  This only embarrasses me once again; not only did I look like an idiot for getting scared, but this is the second time I went to pleasure him but was stopped. Oh, well; our time is up anyway, it seems. I button my jeans, my body sensitive from that amazing orgasm that rippled through me. I decide I don’t want to make a scene; I wouldn’t want to upset Ethan, and I’m really excited to see the trials.

  As if on cue, the driver revs the motor a few times, effectively getting my attention with the race in my chest from the adrenaline. I can’t wait to see this thing go down the track.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Ethan says, holding his hand out for mine. “Let’s see this car go. It sure sounds great, and I’m betting it does pretty good going down the track.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty excited to see it too. Sorry about the timing though.” I lean up and give him a peck on the cheek. “I was more than willing to return the favor.”

  Ethan is just about to open the door, but he stops and looks at me. “Baby, you don’t owe me anything. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I enjoy every single second I have with you.”

  How the hell did I get so lucky to have a guy like him? He melts my heart. It still amazes me that my high school crush was crushing on me at the same time, and here we are four years later, just now figuring it out. I reach up and kiss him quickly.

  “Okay there, big sexy, let’s go see a racecar in action.” I lace my fingers with his and we go out the door. Sure enough, the car was right on the other side; no wonder I jumped. As if he could read my mind, Ethan looks down at me and gives a quick chuckle. I elbow him in the side—not hard, just enough to tell him to be quiet about it. We see Steve leaning into the driver’s window, talking with the driver. He shakes his head a couple times then motions him forward.

  Ethan and I quickly walk to the sidelines of the burnout box. I know from being here before that even in trial runs, it helps to do the burnout; it warms up the rear tires and helps them stick to the track better, to hopefully keep them from breaking loose when the light turns green and the driver floors the accelerator. He wants it to launch, not sit there and spin.

  Ethan holds his ear plugs out, reminding me; he’s so sweet, always worrying about my safety. I pull out the ones he gave me and put them in my ears. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my belly, pulling me tight against his chest. He places his chin on the top of my head after giving it a gentle kiss.

  I must admit, this is the first time I’ve been out anywhere where a guy has touched me so much, and I’m finding I really like it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the guy is my lifelong crush and soul mate. Yeah, I think that’s why this feels so right; if it had been any other hunk, I don’t think I would feel so comfortable, but with Ethan, it’s different. With him, everything feels okay.

  The car pulls up to the burnout box and the driver tests it. To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of the Chevy Camaro, but this one is gorgeous. It’s midnight blue with a streak of metallic silver going down the sides, which grows wider as it flows across the body of the car. I’m curious to see what times he turns with this car.

  A shiver of excitement runs through me, just like it used to every single time a car would edge up to the starting line. When the tree is triggered, the driver revs the engine while holding the brake, releasing just as the light turns green, launching the car forward. The whole thing rears up and shoots off the starting line like a cannon just shot it in the ass.

  “YEAH!” Ethan releases me as we both rush out towards the track to see the run better. He runs ten-point-two-zero seconds in a quarter mile. Wow, that’s great! No wonder he’s won some titles up north.

  “Hell yeah, he did great!” Ethan exclaims. “I hope he decides he likes it. Steve and his dad will be so psyched.”

  “Oh, yeah, I bet he will. He had great form and speed. I hope it works out too. Oh, man, that rush! I can only imagine what you feel in the car but from the sidelines, it’s pretty amazing. I definitely missed it.”

  “Not as much as I missed you, babe,” Ethan says as he swings me around then lands a kiss on my temple. Yeah, I could get used to this for sure. He treats me like a princess, but while I really enjoy it, I’m afraid once I go back to Texas, it’ll all be over. I can’t expect him to put his life on hold for me until I move back. Wait, move back? Where did that come from? I know I really need to figure out what I’m doing, but right now I just want to savor every minute I have with Ethan before I have to leave.

  Do I have to leave though? I think I could probably be very happy with this all the time, if not for the rest of my life, but then what? Will our relationship be enough? Will I be okay with letting go of the past four years and everything I’ve worked for, everything I’ve accomplished?

  “Hey, are you okay, baby?”

  “Hmm? Oh, yeah, I just got lost for a minute. I’m great.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing, I think. Come on, how about we swing by your mom and dad’s house and check in with them? You know, let them know we’re still alive.”

  “Ethan, I love that you’ve grown even closer to Mom and Dad while I’ve been gone. I’m grateful they’ve had someone around who I know wouldn’t hesitate to help them if needed.” I really am glad someone’s there for them while I’m away, someone I trust to not take advantage of them and who’ll care for them like I do. I hook my arm through Ethan’s and we head back to the truck.

  He walks us to the driver’s side this time and opens the door. Before I know it, he lifts me and sets me on the seat. Then he steps between my legs and plants a huge kiss on my lips—a hot, steamy one. Wow, he takes my breath every time! After he releases me, I can’t stop my cheeky grin from spreading.

  I scoot over and he hops in; we get buckled then pull out. When we get back to the gate, he makes sure to thank Mike and send our gratitude to Steve. Their family really are good people. They sure aren’t like the people who lived in my apartment complex in Texas—I will not miss that place for sure. I’ve been so excited to get my new place by my new job. Although I don’t feel that same excitement anymore, which I’m sure has something to do with Ethan.

  He loops his arm around my shoulders and drives back into town, by dad’s shop. Looks like he’s closed for the day, so we head to my childhood home. I do love being home around Mom and Dad, and Ethan’s right—I’m sure they’re probably wondering what I’m up to even though I’ve been taking care of myself for over four years.

  I know they still worry; they’re my mom and dad, it’s what they do.

  We pull into the driveway and I see both their vehicles there; I guess they went to the shop and picked Mom’s up. Ethan shuts off the truck and once again holds my hand while I get out. Such a gentleman.

  We walk up the front steps and in the front door. Ethan is r
ight behind me and we find Dad sitting in the chair. It looks like he’s taking a late-afternoon nap. We tiptoe past him and go into the kitchen, where I smell some cookies baking. Yummy, I love mom’s chocolate chip cookies. They’re the best around; she’s even won a couple baking contests with them. I look around and spot a plate of them on the counter. Just as I’m about to grab one for Ethan and me, Mom says, “Well, hello, you two. Where have you been, Andi?”

  I freeze, suddenly feeling like we’re ten years old and just got busted sneaking into the cookie jar. Well, we are sneaking into the cookies, but we aren’t ten. And we definitely weren’t kissing back then. The thought makes me giggle.

  “Hey, Mom. They look awesome.”

  “Oh, honey.” She laughs. “You guys can have all you want, I’m just teasing.” Mom walks over and hands the plate of cookies to me. Ethan laughs and takes one, swallowing it whole in one single bite. He’s always liked them as much as I do.

  “So, Mom, what’s with all these cookies? Are you baking for someone?”

  “Uh, something like that. I was in the mood to bake, and I know how much you both love them so I decided to make you some. What are you two up to? I see you’ve officially made up.”

  “Yes, ma’am, we have,” Ethan says, putting his arm around me and giving me a big, cheesy grin. He is so flipping cute. I love his smile—and everything else about him, come to think of it.

  “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Hear what?” Dad asks, coming into the kitchen and snatching a cookie off the plate I’m still holding. I set it down on the counter and turn back to Ethan, wrapping my arm around his waist.

  “Mom, Dad . . . Ethan and I are officially dating.” Ethan places a quick kiss to the top of my head.

  “Oh, honey, it’s about time you two figured it out. We’ve known for a long time that you were meant for each other. Congratulations, we’re so happy for you both!” Mom says, then gives us both a hug.